
Aloha GPS-Team.

There are some mistakes in addition the points.

see :

1.   Fabian Blanke          shows   10 pts.   but is  73 pts.

3.   Carsten Hanke         shows   37 pts.   but is  53 pts.

6.   Thomas Blanke        shows   50 pts.   but is 137 pts.

12.  Klaus Kommer        shows   81 pts.   but is 223 pts.

15.  Thorsten Händel     shows  102 pts. but is 165 pts.

19.  Elke Kommer           shows   124 pts. but is 337 pts.


A correction of will result in different ranking as follows  ( date 13 Nov. 2014 ):

1.   Uwe Sören Schmidt                     36

2.   Thorsten Luig                                39

3.   Manfred Merle                                45

4.   Christoph Deus                             51

5.   Carsten Hanke                              53

6.   Patrick Oberlender                        65

7.   Ralf Ewers                                      69

8.   Fabian Blanke                                73

9.   Andreas Grosse-Holz                  75

10. Michael Naumann                        79





would be great to correct formulas of the cells in the program.

Best regards
