GPS Information
The GPS-Speed sailing community consists of thousands of mainly Windsurfers and Kite-surfers around the world who use a GPS device to log their speeds to compete in a number of competitions. There’s one crucial factor that differentiate our use of GPS in our specific sports and that’s: “verifiability”
Since around 2004 we have used a number of different consumer GPS loggers and have dramatically improved our accuracy as hardware and software has evolved through different models. We have developed a unique way to measure & verivfy GPS Speeds. This all results in a very high level of measurement of GPS data and a world wide competition of windsurfers & kiters.
At this moment we have several verified GPS Devices officialy approved for posting Record Sessions on
All session posted with a verified devices have this green icon -> 

In the last few years the quality of standard GPS devices have improved a lot. For that reason we have decided that we accept non-verified devices for the so called fun-rankings and day-to-day use. Altough results are often close to session posted with verified devices it is not always possible to verify the actual speeds that have been recorded. For that reason we do not allow non-verified devices sessions in our record rankings.
All session posted with a basic device have this yellow icon ->