1Jacques van der Hout77,33
2Patrick Van Hoof75,47
3Tom De Pauw72,36
4Alex van der Meer71,92
5David Van der Veken70,26
6Paul Lampaert70,06
7Dennis Klaaijsen68,73
8Joeri de la Ruelle65,73
9Gino Van Mieghem65,48
10Patrick Depoorter64,79
11Kurt Van Holderbeke63,61
12Koen Onderbeke63,07
13JeanPierre de Waard62,93
14Tim de Wilde59,25

Neen, neen dit was niet wat het moest zijn. De grote plank, had ik maar mijn speedboard meegenomen. Volgende keer beter.

Mooie middag, veel zon, harde vlagen, water temp. kon beter.


Impressive gusts! My office shape was not up to it obviously.... First sailed with 5.5 but couldn't find proper trim, than switched to 5.8 and had it spot on! First run was a straight PR on topspeed, 81.8 on the dial... hahaha so easy. Pitty the chop started to build so fast.

It was busy, but still very OK to sail and the atmosphere was very good. Must be the nice temp and the sunshine.

Good session. Wind was irregular en strong. plenty of sun but not to warm sad Took the W53 because the water is still to cold, could do with W49, but didn't want to swim. Fin was very good, great confidence. This session gives me a boost, can only get better. Board did great, fin did great, sail did great, and the rider was ok wink. Had a good time, only sad thing is that Pat L got hurt.

When I was on the water Dave mesured +45 kt, can hardly believe it.

pas laat toegekomen 

wind was zeer vlagerig  hard en voledig haaks

voor het eerst met de ca sp50 pro  içs nog eff wennen   maar ging beter met de tijd

First i took the 51, after a while it was time for the 45.

I wanted to test the Proto 22 and 24 GPS 5.   The fin was super ,   new shape is perfect.  Easy on the run and in the chop.

The whole day i sailed whit the Warp 5,7 never to big, super to control.    Aldo it was hard in the gusts smiley.  Broke my trapeze, thanx Patrick Lievens to use his spare one. yes


Up to the next session



Had to pick up Hans in Goes because we are going to La Franqui for Mondial du Vent. Decided to leave my house 1 hour earlier to have a quick session at Zonnemaire as this was on route. Wanted to do a one hour to get some energy and train my windsurf muscles for next events. It was more windy than expected but i like challenges..... 

Hardest hour i ever sailed, jumped 2 or 3 times in the water during gybing in 40 knots of wind on my 53 liter board. But it was fun. Now in Issiore and tomorrow on the beach of La Franqui!

Het liep voor geen meter, Toppie van de surfbuddies die wel succes wisten te boeken 

Going broad in the beginning did not feel like an option with 5.8. Biggest sail on the water during the windiest part of the day, Neil Pryde sails can be handled with sooo much wind.

Hour of 47.68, did not think it would be achievable. Great day

Verhaal van mijn surfdag ....

1e uur op het water was voor mij happy hour, ..wind was sterker dan verwacht maar te doen om het vertrouwen op te krikken. Boardcontrole was niet denderend maar liep gemakkelijk snel in de vlagen.

Bij aanvang van mijn derde run zag ik de vlaag net hard inslaan voor mijn neus en kreeg het setje meteen getemd om met gevolg aan een lekkere acceleratie te beginnen. Toen als bij een gelukje er naadloos een tweede poeiervlaag bovenop kwam liet ik het setje gecontroleerd tot diep in de chop gelocked verder lopen. :-p

Resultaat dikke pr-run op 2sec max,..100m,..250m

Toen iets later de wind nog feller werd met zware rukwinden begon de mindere boardcontrole mij parten te spelen. Te veel armenwerk zorgden voor opgeblazen armen, en het veiligheidsgevoel ging snel naar beneden toen ik mij realiseerde dat ik uitgeput niet zou kunnen waterstarten in de chop.

Vervolg...niet veel gesurft maar wel een leuke zonnige sfeer en verbroedering met het het oesterdam team die talrijk opgekomen waren.

Als er kan gebattled worden tussen de teams dan zouden we er toch eens aan moeten denken om, ondanks we twee teams zijn, toch elkaar meer te begroeten als één team. Misschien zou één team "the belgium surfbuddies"  wel iets leuk kunnen zijn #idee#  ;-)

I had a tought nightshift and a tough day on the water but what a nice sunny day and the wind blowing like hell!! Silly of me that I didn 't take my smallest speedboard (the Isonic 44) because I know that I was gonna be faster but I was planning to go for an @ record but a soon as I saw the water surface I knew it was nog gonna happen after a nightshift at work and no sleep. I am really fund of the UFO 28 fin that is rock solid on all courses and comes alive ones it can go downwind. After a while a switched to UFO wide 24 but did not go any faster and had a spinout .. Because of that I did not want to push it anymore and called it enough that day. What a day for PAUL LAMPAERT with his amazing 10s run and topspeed! Nice PR buddy! I want to know what he's capable of in good speed conditions at The Brace  wink Nice to see Patrick@G on the windy speed track with his 5.1, seem that he's fell in love with rdm-sails.. cool Those records will be there soon Pat! Bad luck for Patrick L with a crash and mast that had it. My buddy Kurtje was going fast as well but could have taken his 44 earlier on the day so he would be even faster! Before I went home I wanted to know how much wind there has been and measered wind peaks of 47 knots!!!!! blush Really nice to know that the 5.0 did great in these conditions but a little less would be more efficient though.. Unless I could sail with my smallest board, damn what a misser that I did'nt put the board in the trailer but did not expect it to be that rough today. Nice crowd and nice weather dough! NEXT !

Water was cold, wind was hard en gusts were heavy.

Shame I took the 5.1, big mistake, sail was to small to slingshot and gain speed.

Should have taken the 5.5 instead !

But i won't complain, had a nice funny day with the buddies.

Knap gevaren Paul!

Proficiat iedereen met de PR's.

Mooie topspeed Paul Lampaert, super!!!
