1Hans Kreisel86,16
2Antony Todd81,33
3Alex van der Meer78,79
4Christophe Peyrouse78,17
5Sam Hunt77,38
6Nico Nouwen76,55
7Koen Onderbeke73,77
8Jean-marc Degrelle67,65
9Marie-Paule Geldhof65,62

Second day:

Today waited patiently like Hans and Anthony for the wind to pick up and get steady.

PB topspeed 85

PB average 76 to 78

PB 500m little bit

PB nautical mile 66.5 to 67 over the rolling chop, so I imagine I can improve this.

Thanks Hans, Patricia, Anthony and Sam for the fun days in LF.

Nice to see all the foreign friends.

Unfortunately, they sometimes have used all the wind before you arrive ;-)

Everybody congratulations with their PBs


PB MAXspeed 81km


first try of the 5.4,good speeds in this shitty end of day!

hope a next good session to go fast!

Better conditions today but not the wind i hoped for. Still got close to 50 and managed to managed to go over 90 8times and 15 runs above 84,4kmh. So i'm pretty happy with today. Good to see all the local crew and to see Ant Sam and Alex flying around. Congratz to everybody with their PB's.


First time in proper wind in my new JP 45 , i started the session on my evo 5 5.4 but a battern broke and i had to change down to my 5.0 evo 5 which left me a bit underpowered.

Really pleased with my speeds for a first session on this gear.



great day on the water, the conditions was really good for an hour or so around lunch then the wind dropped a little and the chop arrived. my gear felt awesome and well balanced thanks to a few tunning tips from Hans. super happy with my spot pb and 45kn 10 sec run. feeling super broken now after 4 days sailing solid.