1Eric Groot-van Ederen68,12
2Anders Bjorkqvist67,64
3Johan Huitema66,03
4Tomislav Jaklin53,96

Session 38: Short morning session, today very busy at the speedstrip. Tomorrow more wind expected, I will try a very early session because...... : "the early bird catches the worm" Karpathos rules...!

Very broad and busy. 

back in paradise again, after 3 long years!!

Nothing beats the atmosphere here, food, drinks, icecream and wind.

But was late on the water today, 16.00 and have not sailed 7.0 for years. 

The wind was a bit to much from west, it becomes very gusty, but the water is flatter and the freeriders are not so far in the bay.

Did about 15 runs and it felt impossible to get a 10 second run, I decided to call it a day, and then I got a pretty good run over 5 seconds, 39,5 knots and a but over 38 knots. So it is not impossible, just have to get used to this place again. (And Will take it easy this year, still not good with the brain concussion.)



Session 38: Short morning session, today very busy at the speedstrip. Tomorrow more wind expected, I will try a very early session because...... : "the early bird catches the worm" Karpathos rules...!