1Andrew Daff76,53
2Martin Love73,58
3Mathew Robertson72,78
4Anthony Hamood71,38

Talk about windy! Problem was as expected the wind stayed WNW for longer than forecast. We kept trying to make runs only to find ourselves almost square as soon as we cleared the dunes. The wind was occasionally swinging briefly in gusts closer to west and I managed to time a few ok and got some runs right around 39-40kts. Then finally, just after low tide we saw another squall coming. I was indecisive about the 4.4m or the 5m but decided I had better be ready with the 4.4m in case it was a good one. Man, was it ever! It hit with belting rain and whipping up the water so I couldn't see more than 100m. After two false starts (read, slammed!) I got going. What a ride!!Surprised

When I came out from behind the dunes the accelleration was fantastic, but I was having trouble staying on the bank. I had to go with it but I was getting further and further from the bank by the second. The water seemed pretty flat so I just went for it. The feeling of speed was incredible! That was until I caught up with the chop. I was still accelerating when the board started to flutter and bounce. I thought about hanging on for a split second but then realized I was on a dead end ride into bigger and bigger waves. It could only end badly so I decided to bail out in a semi-controlled manner before the inevitable full on disaster. All I can remember is bouncing and rolling, trying to stay curled up as much as possible. When it finally stopped, much to my surprise, I found I was not hurting anywhere! Laughing

I gave Martin the thumbs up (thanks for keeping an eye on me mate) and tried swimming in. It was still too strong to try a water start. Both the board and rig were getting thrashed every time I tried to raise them. Finally it eased and I sailed to the bank to recover. 44.96 on the max speed! That is definitely the fastest get-off I have ever had!!

I started to try to walk back but another burst came through and I had to sit on my rig in the water, back to the rain. Had to have been a solid 40+ Knots!

After that the wind had a few brief swings to WSW and back to WNW. We got a very few nice normal type runs every now and then but soon the tide was rushing in, and I mean rushing!  There were more 40 plus runs to be had but only of you wanted to play Russian Roulette with the whoopdedos and be trapped in the inlet 'til after dark so we packed up and escaped.

Well done Martin on the 2 sec PB (in the squall just ahead of me), and on the maiden voyage of the new 'Love Stick' as well!! Laughing

Most runs on the 5m Koncept and iSonic 50 with TM50 fin. The big squall run on the CA40, 4.4m Koncept and KA 20 assy fin. The last couple of runs on the 5m with the CA40.

Lots of the pit crew and an interloper from SA!


Hey  Andrew,

Respect.  Super!!

First try of a new OES Velocity 62 Custom Speed Board. A tough day to try it but really stoked with it,s first outing. A PB 2 Second.
 Was great to be down at Sandy Point with the other Pit crew members.