1Dennis Klaaijsen70,41
2Fabian Crombeen69,6
3Marco van der Leer67,9
4David Van der Veken66,96
5Jeroen Steenaard65,19
6Arnout den Boer62,19
7Raf Alexander61,52
8JeanPierre de Waard61,14
9Pat Erauw45,2

Great day, first time on this set. New board, new fin and above all NEW SAIL! S2Maui Venom 5.7 performed great. Very stable and lots of speed.

PR on nautical mile and on my display was a 79km/h peak...

The angle of the course was not perfect and it was quite gusty, so it was difficult to keep the board flying, thats something I've to work on.

It has been a while since I was on a speedboard, but I enjoyed it!

Perfect day, wind, sun and nice people around!

Can't wait for the next speed session!!

NIce, not-expected speedsession, had lots of FUN !  

Wind not steady enough for a speed board. Took the Manta 54 instead. lovely session at the outer dams

Vlagerige wind, eerst met carbon art speed 50 (dank Dave) maar het slalomboardje liep beter en sneller.



Arrived after the big winds, winddirection was a bit too deep and long lasting rain started at the end of the afternoon. Nevertheless a nice session!

Wind not steady enough for a speed board. Took the Manta 54 instead. lovely session at the outer dams