
When modifying existing data, some input fields in some input screens do not initialize with the existing data values. I wonder if this could be solved.

* Sessions - My Sessions - Modify session: field Gusts is always empty when opening the screen, even if previously a value was entered and saved.

* Dashboard -My Profile: fields Homespot country + spotname always default to (in my case) "Belgium/Boerenkreek" when opening the screen, instead of containing the previously saved country/spot name.

* I have not experimented with this, but when opening the profile screen, also fields Password and Confirm your password are empty. 
It is not clear what happens if you click Update while leaving the password fields empty : is the current password retained, or is it cleared ?
According to common UI conventions, clicking Update with empty password fields would mean that you effectively clear (make blank) your own password.
Also according to common UI conventions, if the password will be retained, this would normally be suggested by displaying asterisks "****" in the password fields, to indicate that the fields have a known value that will be retained when saving the input screen.

Thnx Pat for reporting, really helps us improving the overall quality ! We will put this on our work-list, currently working on some new hot stuff, so after that we will fix the items you reported...