
When opening a riders session on the smartphone (HTC Desire 620 Android 4.4.4) I can only see Name; home spot and country.

What I miss is the information from the old site like: age, weight, length, gender;  n° of posted sessions etc. On the laptop this is all visible, not on the smartphone. Can this be solved?

This is done on purpose to reduce the information items on a small screen (responsive and adaptive web design). To load it quicker and to reduce scrolling end less.



That's a pity, there is enough space on the right to add some numbers as age, kg, (gender) M-F. This is basic information about a rider which I don't like to miss.

Try to open the site on your mobile phone in desktop mode (not as a mobile site) and you will see it as a desktop version.

Tried in desktop mode, doesn't work. It seems that the site adapts aut. to the screen size. sad