
Please let us know us what kind of statistics do you want us to add to our Premium (Gold) Membership ?????

country ranking (not only nationality). For example: What is the fastest session (avg, 2 sec, mile, ...) ever done on a Belgian spot? Unable to find it now (or you have to go through all the spots seperately)... Or do I miss something?

Please focus on the site working perfectly everywhere and at all times before adding anything new is my personal oppinion...

Apreciate all the effort that is being done though.

Evaluated alpha ranking detail (monthly results)


Raceboard ranking 

Download option (csv format) of sessions result after search:

Improve the "Evaluated Ranking by Location" so that all nationalities come in the ranking, and not only the riders of the country where the spot is located.

I agree with Dirk, and this is for all rankings, not only evaluated.


How about adding raceboard/longboard ??