2019 Channel Islands Speed Challenge
Start date and duration:
01 January - 31 December 2019
Channel Islands, Anywhere within the Channel Island’s Coastel Waters locations.
Organiser and Moderator:
Andy Hart
GPS-speedsurfing.com rules. Session to be posted within seven days from date of your speed session.
Must use a GPS device compliant with gps-speedsurfing.com
Must provide minimum of 2 speed sessions. Each session must be from a different day (note: there is no limit to the number of speed sessions may submit).
Results based on several main categories of speed measurements allowing for a number of multiple speed awards to be recognised, (must be from two submitted speed sessions not from the same day)
Fastest 10 second run (average) during the year.
Fastest 2 second run (average)
Fastest 100 metre run (average)
Fastest 250 metre run (average)
Fastest 500 metre run (average)
Fastest Nautical mile
Fastest Alpha
Note: You do not have to compete in all of the above categories. Simply the best/fastest ones you can manage.
Good Speed 2019