Martin van Meurs

  • woensdag 26 april 2006

  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 73,89kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
67,6  ( 69,82 67,6 67,23 66,86 66,49 )
  • 100 m run
  • 69,08kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 65,75kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 0kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 0kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 0kmh
  • Afstand
  • 0km
  • Windsnelheid
  • 0 - 0knots

The new Naish resembles the hybrid boards, but is obviously much smaller with a pinny tail and some added length. The widest point very far forward helps to create a relaxed ride and the new rockerline combined with a single concave/double concave/v bottom let it ride really loose. The board will be capable of very high speeds.

We had a nice session on a lake (etang) with a messy but crontrollable chop. A good try out for real life speed conditions. The board never stuck its short nose into the waves and it seems it will be able to handle fairly big sails for its size.