
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 92,59kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
88,44  ( 90,83 90,66 87,62 87,38 85,72 )
  • 100 m run
  • 91,83kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 90,89kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 90,21kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 8,71kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 4,22kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 7,38kmh
  • Afstand
  • 16km
  • Windsnelheid
  • 40 - 60knots

Sorry about the delay,

YEEEEE!!!HAAAARRRRR!!!! You Beauty!!! just been letting the good vibes settle in, still coming to grips with it all, the result was most unexpected for me. We have all been waiting for a day like this at Sandy Pt for sometime, with the past heavy rainfall and sizeable swell running in Bass Strait I did not think the tide would go far enough out. I thought that it was only going to be a survival day with maybe a 43 average. The tide in the end just went far enough out to set up what seemed a wider than usual rideable course down the bank. No special suits, man made trenches or vehicles to get you back up the course, just a hard endurance battle to start, finish and walk back in the constant 40-50 knot sandstorm with the lead weight on your back, the actual runs were awesome!!.

4 hours 6 runs…

Run 1

with camera onboard peaked at 45 with a 10 sec around 43, it was pretty unsettled. Sailing back did not seem a good option, with all runs requiring a long slog thru the soft sand to the first dune then sail the last bit to the start. This was so exhausting, you had to wait some time before you had enough energy to do another run making it hard to get lots of runs in before the tide changed.  
Onboard video for this run here
You will have to wait for the HD footage taken by Drift Media from the shore just after start of run.

Run 2
data 47.86 max , 47.18 10sec , PB and now quite excited, with the course also improving with deeper longer runs.

Run 3

data 49.996 max , 49.046 10sec, 47.183 500m, 49.078 250m seemed more controlled with 50.01 on the GT31 display making my jaw drop and fist punch the air, followed with congratulations with Adrian B and Tony W on the long walk back.

Run 4

data 49.724 max, 48.952 10sec, 48.709 500m was also controlled just the slow downs were getting really wild as the tide came in. Really stoked about the 500!!! with A.Albeaus official WR500m of 49.09 feeling very close.

Run 5

data 48.693 max, 47.312 10sec, 45.694 500m. The tide now starting to have more effect, and I was getting really exhausted but new there was still a worthwhile run better than the first to cement the 5x10.

Run 6

data 47.197 max, 46.285 10sec, 44.723 500m. Chris L and myself left on the course, made my last run as he came back I think, another long walk followed this time all the way to the BBQ, thanks for moving the car Rupert.

Best 5 runs were all done with a broken battern at the bottom camber, it broke on the first run due to me adding more tension beforehand. All in all to be honest the runs were ridiculously smooth and constant and left me feeling I could of had a slightly bigger sail or a little bit more wind. I know this sounds stupid but it was so GOOD!. Left us with the impression the 49 5x10 is achievable with same conditions, and maybe better with a lower tide.    Definately think now a 49 to 50 500m is achievable with maybe a lower tide and deeper run.

AMAC and Chris the sail, fin and board did not flinch at all on the big runs, absolutely awesome result on stock, off the shelf gear, hats off to you both!.

Totally stoked there were so many crew there to witness, and to give it a go in such conditions. Pleased to see Tonster, Daffy, Ado, Matt and others get PB’s, great effort considering the size/weight for some of you guys.  This is a really important factor for the sport and windsurfing industry, and proves great speeds can be achieved by the small, the tall  the heavy the light.

Thanks also to Mick 'Drift Media' and Jodi 'Whitecaps Photography' for capturing the moment whilst we took on the wind and sand.

