Stephen Squirrell

  • zondag 2 augustus 2020
  • United Kingdom

  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 32,08kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
28,55  ( 31,13 28,84 28,61 28,07 26,12 )
  • 100 m run
  • 30,87kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 29,06kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 27,88kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 11,37kmh
  • 1/2 uur snelheid
  • 0kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 5,79kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 21,6kmh
  • Afstand
  • 6km
  • Duur
  • 00:17:54
  • Windsnelheid
  • 5 - 15knots
  • Wind richting
  • W ( 270)

Sunday 2nd August- Windsurf *** - River Orwell at Levington Marina – sunny.


Exocet RF 91 AST with Slingshot Hover Glide 76 with Tushingham Lightning 8.5m.


Foil – 17.45 knot max, 15.41 knot ave ., 3.13 knot hour, 6.14 knot mile, 13.28 km., 11.66 knot alpha.


Was looking forward to another early morning trip to Levington to make the most of the tide and westerly breeze but woke to light airs so didn’t think it was on. Then at 9.30 I messaged James Pollard and he said he was heading out with 7.8 so I had breakfast quickly and headed over arriving at the marina at just past ten and there is now security on the barrier where a young lady asks what boat you are going too! Parked up in my usual spot out but it looked pretty light but lightweight James was flying so I rigged my new Tushingham Lightning 8.5 for the first time. James came back to make adjustments so we had a chat and I nearly didn’t bother but in the end as I had driven over and it was a lovely day I set up my foil as we are out this afternoon around our sons checking out the work they have done in their back garden and seeing all the rescue pigeons and rats and not to mention the very large Gull in the bathroom! In the end I am glad I made the effort even though there was a bit of slogging interspersed with some decent runs playing with the large number of yachts out. The big sail works well and I moved the mast a fraction forward which seemed OK and again I gybed most of the session. It is fun trying to fly all the way around, which hasn’t happened yet as I get in a muddle at the end but at least managed to stay out of the water! I made the mistake of staying out one run too many as the tide turned and the wind dropped but I managed to get back OK. So that’s two days in a row on the water with some good wind to look forward too on Wednesday, fingers crossed it actually arrives this time! Another top shower, am loving the Marina sailing then home for lunch, exercises and then Mag and I walk around to Dan and Jays for a lovely afternoon:)