1Sander van Huizen76,61
2Martin van Meurs76,03
3Jacques van der Hout74,6
4Serge Beumer74,58
5Dylan de Jong73,47
6Gerlof Hansma72,9
7Hendrik de Jong72,4
8Willem Jan Heutink71,25
9Tjitse Spitse71,01
10Anne Evert van der Veen70,94
11Michel Meijer70,65
12Andries Keulen70,04
13Johan Huitema69,75
14Richard Lutter66,5
15Oane Kingma63,79

Nice 2nd session this week at The Brace. Wind was beter but never really strong, but good testing conditions for our latest fin development, the UFO asy. I hope wqe can test it soon in it's true windrange as this has all been light stuff.



1 e keer de brace was een fijne ervaring, moet wel wennen aan de omstandigheden, vooral het lopen terug. na bijna een maand niet te hebben gevaren, viel het mij niet af.

First i didn't want to windsurf at all today as the forecast for this week looked good anyway. Needed some sleep and when i had my energie back this morning the forecast for the north part of Holland looked too good to refuse. Was too late for Da Curve so we decided last minute to give the Brace a try. Rigged the smallest sail of everybody together with Gerlof, for me the only option as i go to the Brace for potential records and i can not do that with big gear. Good speeds at Da Curve, sad i was not there today, big difference again in wind speed compared to The Brace. 

Niet het dagje geworden waar ik op had gehoopt. 5,8 en jp45 waren veel te klein om op deze ruime baan en weinig wind hard te kunnen gaan. De 51 met 6,4 was beter geweest. Onvoorstelbaar dat het bij Den Helder zoveel harder heeft gewaaid als bij den Oever.

Leuke middag op de Brace. Wind kwam helaas niet vol door, maar toch een paar leuke runs kunnen maken. Setje voelde goed. Het board liep op alle koersen hard.

Nice session. The wind was not as strong as expected but it was nice cruising. The MxR Ufo 26 is a very nice fin, the board is running on top of the chop with maximum control. Due to the ufo it was nice crushing up and down wind. I like it a lot.

It is a shame that so many people walk upwind, you can easily gype at the end of the upwind course. It is even more a shame when people do not even put their sail down when somebody is passing down the course.



Alles is al gezegd, beetje jammer maar toch lekker.

Gerlof, hemelsbreed maar ruim 9 km (gemeten in google earth)

Mij tweede keer op Brace en ook gelijk de tweede om lekker mij nieuwe PD 53 speed te testen.

Ik wilde niet te grote varen. Ik ben maar lichtgewicht.

Maar 5.6 was te klein en 6.3 was beter dus geen top snelheid. Vandaag was mooi dag om ervaring op te bouwen op dit spot. En nu weet ik wat ik moet doen. Maar die rollers blush dat is oppassen.crying

Sander thanks voor je hulp met de trim.

Laatst run van dag was ook gelijk mij snelste. Dit board heeft veel control en geeft mij ook veel vertrouw.


Kudos to the guys who went to da Curve. Sound like you had a great session!

Sander was flying at the Brace. The light wind king is definitely back but something tells me he is learning to cope with the stronger winds in near future. Still I am happy to be that close to him as Sander is clearly with the very fasdtest in the world at the moment in conditions like this and it's inspiring to race him.

Personally I had a great testing day on the UFO asy 18. the differences with the UFO Wide are huge. Both are great fins with the UFO Wide as an exeptional control fin which can be sailed long and short in various conditions. We're now in the stage riders are getting familiar with the fins behaviour and we have to find out the strength and the weanesses of the fin. In spots like Karpathos it's better to go for a normal high aspect UFO. On our waddenzee spots when using the right length you can really fly the fin at ease also when choosing bigger sizes.

Both the UFO Wide and the UFO Asy have got sublime control in the gusts. Ease of use, just like with the boards was the main goal from monent 0 onward and I feel more and more sucere we succeeded in our mission. In the beginning of the session I deliberatly went full into the chop forcing two crashes and releasing my front arm to feel if the fin would hold. I want to mae sure we create the perfect fin for the part of the Luderitz crew using our fins. After todays session I am getting more convinced the Asy will do the trick at the back part of the course where the chop rises and riders need to go full throttle and full commitment to get the record in they are after.

For my personal GPS record hunts I think the Asy will help me to come back and fight with the big boys for the title. Speeds are definitely rising again and those who have written me off not long ago should better watch out :-)

Eerste keer op de Brace vandaag. Helaas wat te weinig zeil opgezet, want het leek eerst wat meer. Had veel te weinig druk in de runs daardoor. Maar kon vandaag even rustig bekijken hoe het er hier aan toe gaat, dus da's mooi meegenomen.

Verder prima vermaakt, alleen dat teruglopen is niet grappig, maar dat hebben we ook weer overleefd :P

Sessie 99: Had nog wat pap in de benen van gisteren, maar alle muizenissen zijn wel weer verdreven!