by Benjamin Verdin
7-11-2012 20:59:40 | |
Congratz Antoine !!!
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by Armand van Renssen
7-11-2012 21:00:32 | |
Wow!!! R E S P E C T! 
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by Patrick Depoorter
7-11-2012 21:06:03 | |
Congratz! New World record!
And tnx for posting on GP3S.
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by Steven van der Lelie
7-11-2012 21:06:33 | |
Congratulations Antoine. SUPER
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by Anders Bjorkqvist
7-11-2012 21:11:23 | |
OMG Looks like you had a sick day, big CONGRATULATION!
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by Patrick Miller
7-11-2012 21:14:41 | |
Congratz, very well done and awesome to post here!
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by Benjamin Verdin
7-11-2012 21:14:51 | |
Just need to check NM and RUN 5 which appears to be done on the road... But indeed many thanks for posting this results here. Now we know we are way behind ;-)
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by Daniel Borgelind
7-11-2012 21:17:53 | |
so impressive!! you own!!
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by Luca Arbouw
7-11-2012 21:42:41 | |
Une vitesse impressionnante!!!! 
Vas y Antoine!!!!
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by Steve Thorp
7-11-2012 21:47:45 | |
You need to work on those gybes ;)
Amazing speeds, congratulations, great to see.
thanks for posting, hopefully encourage everyone to do the same :)
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by Antoine Albeau
7-11-2012 22:48:37 | |
Just did a new world speed record today in Luderitz!
49.41kts with my production NP RS:R EVO 4 5.8 and my RRD custom speedboard.
Good day for me !!!
Thanks to:
RRD / Neilpryde / Quiksilver / Ford Autovital / Sosh Orange / ile de Ré / Groupe Rhinos / Garmin
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by Wilko Kronemeijer
7-11-2012 23:21:29 | |
Increddible speeds. What's more to come?
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by Philip Adamidis
8-11-2012 00:28:25 | |
Now everything seems to be in place
Go for the outright!!!
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by Christian Bornemann
8-11-2012 10:20:35 | |
New German Speedrecord 43,93 kts. at the Lüderitz Speed Challenge
tight and tough battle with Dieter who managed to get the Record in between
really happy and surprised with the results
less wind in the starting box, very narrow and shallow canal, not too much space to slow down...
impressed by the new world records of Zara and Antoine
much space for improvement for the next weeks...
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by Pete Davis
8-11-2012 15:15:18 | |
It had to be done! I came all the way to Luderitz and when Farrel lent me his sail and Zara her board i had a couple of runs and it was amazing great spot and considering I hadnt speed sailed since January, I was well happy with the speed.
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by Cedric Bordes
8-11-2012 22:53:48 | |
Fantastic day!
More comments will follow..
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by Zara Davis
9-11-2012 08:40:50 | |
What an amazing day! My goal coming here was to break Karin Jaggi's record set in 2005. I wish Karin had been here but it was not to be as she has been an inspiration to me for many years. To do this by 3 knots was beyond my wildest dreams. Thanks for all the messages of support from everyone especially Karin herself - it means so much.
The equipment was so good to ride. Thanks to Chris Lockwood for desiging an amazing board that is so easy to ride and so fast, to Thomas for making the most controllable and fast sail ( I was using only 0.3 smaller than Antione) and to Joerg Sonntag for fins that are made for me and are tracking with such surety that I know I can just point and shoot down the canal.
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by Anders Bringdal
9-11-2012 09:05:53 | |
Great day, Off the rocker times on the board. World records and so on.
Hats of to Antoine, Cedric and Zara. Zara smaching the old record in an out of the park sort of way!!!
I was on my 5,9 sail with my production 42 speed with my Gasoil 21.
All stuff was fantastic, Chris's job with the boards have proven outstansing. Philippe's long night that we spend making the sails have proven to make sense.... at times did not....
All in all,great. Waiting the arrival of Bjorn and Jurian( sorry Jurian if I spell wrong). I have a feeling Luderitz storry is get to come!!
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by Meta Sindos
9-11-2012 09:12:58 | |
awesome stuff, can't wait to see you guys kill it in 50+knt winds
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by Yves Wynen
9-11-2012 09:45:58 | |
it's really great to see many posting ! and A2 was the first to post, fantastique !!
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by Mark Hayford
9-11-2012 15:37:58 | |
Well done every body, fantastic speeds all round:)
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by Patrick Van Hoof
10-11-2012 09:12:22 | |
well done all, only a shame you don't post youre alpha
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by David Van der Veken
10-11-2012 11:45:17 | |
Great speeds guys, respect to you all!
Zara, you own your place with the "big" guys, congrats! You can slow down now.. 
Go for the 50 knots average guys!! Never been watching as much as now on this site and facebook EVER!!
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