1Stephen Squirrell28,65

Tuesday 13th August  – Windsurf **** The Dip at Felixstowe  –  sunny and hot.

Foil – 17.03  knot max , 15.47 knot ave, 11.42  knot hour, 14.47 knot mile, 26.69 km., 12.85 knot alpha. 

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Severne 1000 with a Tushingham Storm 6.5.

I was not expecting to sail today and we had things to do, a trip to the dump to get rid of a van full of our hedge trimmings that Mag made by attacking our garden with her new mini chain saw! I then had time to do my exercises in a pretty hot back garden before we headed out to pick up Maeva for the day as her mum had a dentists appointment and home for fun with the little one, I then made lunch and got a message from winger Ian saying HHA (Landguard weather) was showing 15 knots from the south so we agreed to head to The Dip as it would be easier to park than The Manor and with high tide around 6.30 there should be plenty of beach to land after the session! I headed off arriving a fraction after Ian at two leaving Mag to take Maeva for a cuppa at our old friend Mary! Things looked good, 25 degrees with 15 knots of wind from the south so I quickly set up my foil board, the Severne foil certainly is easy to put together with only 4 bolts, sail great too:) I then had one of the best hours I have had all year, after doing a few runs out past the red and white bouy to judge the conditions, the sea was pretty big out to sea but the wind was perfect so I set off down the coast beating down to Squiz Lane at The Manor with the 4 mile run back just amazing playing with the swell as I sailed parallel to the beach ending up opposite Bawdsey beach where I gybed at the same time the wind eased:( I did get up briefly a couple of times but the wind had definitely gone, shame really as it had been a perfect hour and Robert and Will had only just got out so only had a brief session! So I packed up quickly dropped my trailer off at home and joined Mag and Maeva ay Mary's where her daughter made me a cuppa to go with my cake, Maeva was an absolute star stomping about, she is so full of life! 

I was supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride with a Neil a friend of 40 years early tomorrow morning but it has been cancelled, next available date my Birthday on October the 6th and that will probably be cancelled as well!

Tuesday 13th August  – Windsurf **** The Dip at Felixstowe  –  sunny and hot.

Foil – 17.03  knot max , 15.47 knot ave, 11.42  knot hour, 14.47 knot mile, 26.69 km., 12.85 knot alpha. 

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Severne 1000 with a Tushingham Storm 6.5.

I was not expecting to sail today and we had things to do, a trip to the dump to get rid of a van full of our hedge trimmings that Mag made by attacking our garden with her new mini chain saw! I then had time to do my exercises in a pretty hot back garden before we headed out to pick up Maeva for the day as her mum had a dentists appointment and home for fun with the little one, I then made lunch and got a message from winger Ian saying HHA (Landguard weather) was showing 15 knots from the south so we agreed to head to The Dip as it would be easier to park than The Manor and with high tide around 6.30 there should be plenty of beach to land after the session! I headed off arriving a fraction after Ian at two leaving Mag to take Maeva for a cuppa at our old friend Mary! Things looked good, 25 degrees with 15 knots of wind from the south so I quickly set up my foil board, the Severne foil certainly is easy to put together with only 4 bolts, sail great too:) I then had one of the best hours I have had all year, after doing a few runs out past the red and white bouy to judge the conditions, the sea was pretty big out to sea but the wind was perfect so I set off down the coast beating down to Squiz Lane at The Manor with the 4 mile run back just amazing playing with the swell as I sailed parallel to the beach ending up opposite Bawdsey beach where I gybed at the same time the wind eased:( I did get up briefly a couple of times but the wind had definitely gone, shame really as it had been a perfect hour and Robert and Will had only just got out so only had a brief session! So I packed up quickly dropped my trailer off at home and joined Mag and Maeva ay Mary's where her daughter made me a cuppa to go with my cake, Maeva was an absolute star stomping about, she is so full of life! 

I was supposed to go on a hot air balloon ride with a Neil a friend of 40 years early tomorrow morning but it has been cancelled, next available date my Birthday on October the 6th and that will probably be cancelled as well!