1Stephen Squirrell46,68

Thursday 17th May – windsurfing ***** The Dip, Felixstowe – sunny and warm :)


27.07 knot. max, 25.20 knot. ave., 12.19 knot. hr., 21.43 knot mile, 37 km., 14.51 knot. alpha.


After yesterday’s epic session at Bradfield I was keen to do it again with the wind NNE but not as strong but we were having our hair cut by a lovely lady from Ipswich so if I was going to the River Stour I needed to go fairly early as I had to be back in Felixtowe by 3 ish. I checked the wind on the laptop at 8 and it was not strong enough so forgot that idea. Then the messages started coming in on the Felixstowe WhatsApp group with people going to Alton while some were hoping the wind would swing NE and were coming to Felixstowe in the afternoon. So relaxing start, then up the town to shop for an elderly friend before lunch in the garden in wall to wall sunshine. Sue came at 2 and I was first to have my hair cut so I then headed down to The Dip to check the conditions. A sea breeze had definitely kicked in with 20 mph from the NE and with the tide dropping it was perfect, so I shot home for the trailer. Being the only one there I had a decision to make, it was certainly windy now so I went with my new 282, new North boom and 6.5 and it was perfect for the two-hour session:) The winter’s storms have left a steep shingle beach to launch when the tide is in but got off fine as Andy Mexome arrived to rig 6m on his new Goya waveboard. There is a slight loss of wind close in but I was soon planing. The sea was fairly smooth close in but very big out by the red and white bouy. If you beat out slowly you could ride the swells into Kite Beach where the water was definitely smoother and you could get some top gybes close to the shore. You could then sail very broad down the coast until the water became too lumpy, then you headed up and did it all again. It was a top session and we were joined by a full set of Swains all making the most of the warm sunshine. After nearly two hours out I went for a mile run before returning to the beach for a chat as the wind switched offshore, luckily most of the windsurfers were safely back on the beach, although one kiter got caught out and had to walk back! Looking like yet another lightwind weekend, I can’t remember the last time I had a good session on a Sat/Sun!