1Tony Wynhoven80,83
2Ian Fox80,04
3Andrew Daff80
4Shelby Reilly78,27
5Tom Chalko71,77
6Stuart Truscott59,84
A nice session that was somewhat unexpectedly good. :-)
Wind was up and down a bit. Just needed one more 43knots 10 sec for a much better average but the tide changed, the whoopdedoos rolled in and the wind swung too south. (Hows that for a list of excuses? ;-)  )
Could be a new PB for 500m as well as 5 x 10 sec! :-)))

It started off looking a bit average(in a good wsw pit sort of a way) and then we started having squalls of pure joy about an hour and a half before low tide:-)
The sensation feels like what I think a drag car doing the quarter mile's the rush that I love so much!!
Really happy with the 500 pb and a great day to remember:-))


The most difficult part was to start planning with a 4.2 m sail.
Another fun day at the Pit with the usual crew. Decided to go the 09 6.6 Koncept for a change as the wind was quite light at first. As the wind picked up (and went a bit south) I changed to the 5.8 and the 21.5 assy KA fin. The best speeds were on the 6.6 and the 23 assy fin while the course was broad. Stayed on the Misslie "S" all day although at times the slalom board may have been better. Most of the rain squalls seemed to change to the south a bit and make the course tighter. Even though there was more wind it was slower. Pretty happy with a 45.2 peak and 44.23 10 sec on the 6.6. Slightly amusing to see some guys try sail a Hobie cat in Sandy Point speed conditions - they wont do that again.......
Foxie hooked onto rain squall and got a good run in so I will be interested to see what it was...
A few pb's by the guys - well done, but unfortunately 0.07 kn ave away from my pb for the month (and knocking off Spotty :)
results doppler off the navi GT11 and real speed
cheers tony
Certainly was fun but a bit hit and miss today. Tony's summation of "almost slalom conditions" was a bit worrysome as we rigged up, but those gusts kept showing potential. I resisted the temtation to take the safer option with iS76 or 48cm proto, opting instead to try some of the smaller fins and sails in anticipation of the next big day..  So a bit of waiting around. ..Speed was definitely there when you actually hooked onto a gust and "converted", wound a nice 500m out of one of them, and then spent the rest of the session trying to find some wind to get the average above "average". More walking and swimming today than I would have expected too. All good fun. What a classic, after all the differences in the runs etc to end up the right on the same 5x10 as Daffy. Tonster takes the day on "averages"- and was right, I did need that "one more run"..

Used iSonicW44+iSonic OTW46 proto/CodeREDs 5.6v5+5.1v2/Strike 20cm+X2-21. Not all at once.
Gear was working really well, everything solid and very secure despite some rather "offroad" excusions out into the rough in search of wind..

Cheers ~ Ian

(GT-31 Doppler - tracks verified by Roger vT)