Yeah, big PR!
Average: 33,44knots to 36,96knots
Topspeed: 35,84 to 39.15
500m: 32,72 to 35,58
Arrived 11.30 and the first difficult decision was to choose the right size. Many guys said 6 was really full powered and because I am not the heaviest one thought about rigging 5.6 At the end I decided to go for the 6.2 because the last times I went to Horst I rigged too small. Size was good only a few gusts were really too strong.
Before lunchbreak I managed a few 65km/h average runs and one 68.5 top and 67average. With the time I become more and more confident. In generel I like those windy conditions but it is a long time ago sice I surfed them :(
The Choco Mach1 helped me to become really confident. This fin is so great.
After the break my first was run was 72.5 top and 70 average. Yes went over 70 and got a run of 70!!!
After that I just had fun. I managed some other runs with 70top and 68average.
Just I great day!