
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 64,76kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
62,28  ( 63,95 63,01 62,25 61,1 61,1 )
  • 100 m run
  • 64,07kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 63,35kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 62,44kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 59,36kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 33,44kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 38,26kmh
  • Afstand
  • 79km
  • Duur
  • 02:05:22
  • Windsnelheid
  • 25 - 35knots
  • Wind richting
  • S ( 270)

Tuesday 30th – Windsurf ***** plus - The Ray - Southend – changeable – everything from cloud to sunshine with the odd shower and windy:).


Fin – 35.14 knot max., 33.63 knot ave (year PB)., 18.05 knot hour (year and spot PB), 32.05 knot mile (8 over 30 knots), 79 km., 20.66 knot alpha.


Fanatic Falcon 80 with Tushingham X-15 5.8 and 28 fin.


I always have to talk myself into a trip to The Ray at Southend with it being a 140-mile round trip plus the walk out but with a deep low passing over the UK it was too good an opportunity to miss! Also there was no way I wanted a 4m sail at lumpy Felixstowe so I made a plan for a windsurfing road trip, Southend followed by Point Clear ending up at Bradfield over three days in our lovely little campervan, not sure if we will do it all especially after a full on 5 star plus session today:) With low water later near 5 in the afternoon we were not in a hurry so I did my exercises in the garden in a sunny and hot Felixstowe then after breakfast, Radio two pop quiz we left home around eleven. A quick stop at Lidl and a good trip into Essex which included some rain as the early sunshine disappeared! As usual we arrived at Chalkwell way too early with the sea right in having only just turned and the locals were sailing parallel to the beach with wave kit and 4.2’s in a lumpy sea. It didn’t look super windy as I had a quick look while Mag paid to park, £5.90 so not too bad. Then Simon Chippington arrived with the rain so we sat in the van for a chat. It was decision time on what to rig, with the wind from the S a great cruising direction but not usually fast I had left my speedboard at home reasoning I would have more fun on the Fanatic Falcon 80, much easier to sail too:) With wind on the beach gusting between 25 and 35 mph I took a chance on my 5.8 well downhauled and it turned out to be pretty well perfect although most of the other speedsailors used 5.2 and the freeriders a metre smaller again!  A local had just sailed away from the beach close to the shore and beat out so I quickly put my shortie on including my spares rucksack including some snacks hopping to sail out to The Ray which would save me the walk! I thought I had made a big mistake with sail choice as I beat out in a very lumpy sea not knowing how deep it was? I did hit the bottom once but made it out to The Ray but the sandbanks were still covered in water so I was not sure where the channel was! I actually sailed too far out and ran aground on the far bank. I walked to deeper water and could see some moored boats up the west course so sailed slowly right to the end of the creek at the Leigh on Sea end and stopped to check if it was ready to go for some mile runs down to the corner and a couple of seals popped their heads up close by :) So the day begins and I spent most of the day on the west course going for mile runs and in the end managed 8 over 30 knots including a years best of 32 not super-fast but great fun sailing in flat water as close to the sand bank as possible. As the tide dropped it did get very shallow and I did hit the bottom a few times, a heart stopping moment at 30 knots! I couldn’t get any really quick speeds, nothing new for me but had one of the best days of the year so far, I must have done at least three runs before I was joined by more sailors. In the end it was quite busy with several kiters doing mega high jumps which is a worry as you never know where they are going to land and one did nearly take my head off with his lines! Things were going really well so I stopped for my snack and was wondering if I could make 100km today when things took an unexpected twist at the far end of the creek, I had been up here loads of times during the session so started off as usual with a beat across the now narrow creek and started to bear off in the flat water when I hit the bottom really hard going over the front and snapping my harness line, not the first time I have done that here! Not a problem now as I carry a spare so I head to the shore to replace it only to find my lovely MK boom of nearly a year has broken. The adjustable arm at the rear has snapped, I try to sail but it breaks completely so I swim to the shore and am now faced with a the very daunting walk back. I couldn’t be further from the van, well over a mile of very uneven muddy little creeks. I get back in the end absolutely knackered and am pleased to she Mag in the van. Her words ring in my ears as she says she is not coming to Southend again as it is really boring despite her going for a windy walk! It is my fault as I must have been away from the van six hours!!! Still I back up quick and we head to our overnight stop at Alresford Church taking about an hour and are soon tucking into yummy Lidl paella:) The wind is hopefully less tomorrow so I can use my larger boom for a morning session at Point Clear, apparently a few Felixstowe sailors are coming too:)


PS – have just checked on Google Earth and I had to walk 1.31 miles back after breaking my boom. Great day for me, I might not have been as fast as people on speed kit but managed the best N/Mile of the day and got a year’s best hour with 7-year PB’s so well pleased :)