
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 97,24kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
94,05  ( 95,19 94,46 94,14 93,56 92,89 )
  • 100 m run
  • 96,57kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 95,2kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 93,72kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 8,79kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 8,82kmh
  • Alpha racing
  • 8,46kmh
  • Afstand
  • 28km
  • Duur
  • 00:52:00
  • Windsnelheid
  • 35 - 40knots
  • Wind richting
  • S ( 270)

Hi guys,

Great day here in Luderitz, everybody was flying... New comers got wet and Nico managed to get past Finians time!!!

On my side my Mistral production 41 cm ( sorry it is logged in as 42) has again delivered.

My Gasoil keeps me safe. And my New NP evo 5,8 is pulling Pulling like mad... Not much else to say. Thanks Chris Lockwood for the board and Thanks Robert for the sail and thanks Philippe for the fin. They all rock!!!!