1Ian Richards77,72
2Antony Todd77,71
3Matthew York77,34
4Michael George76,09
5Steve Thorp74,93
6Andy Holland73,2
7Mark Hayford71,04
8John Kennedy70,72
9Mark Ingram69,7

awesome day at west kirby , forcast didnt look perfect but after a long break we all had to go , and it turned out great , sun shine and windy ,added bonus of a pb average , the new 2014 ac1 felt great ,powerful and controlable ,felt very good with the is w44 and the black project x45 21

happy days , well done to john kenney for breaking the  40 knots barrier 

also hats of to ant todd for another pb , well deserved my man 

and again to mike george for pb average 

awesome day :)

I'm the first to post from today's and I'm expecting to be at the bottom of the rankings because I sailed like a little girl today. Failed to dial in to today's conditions and was way off pace. Others did dial in eventually and ended up getting decent speeds. Today was very similar conditions to last Sunday but today was about 5 knots lighter. Last week, the same combo felt great, but nit today. My conclusion is, It was a power issue. My trusty 2010 warp 5.7m sets very flat and I guess Its to flat for very broad conditions. I need to start using my new 2012 warp 5.7m on broad dates as it has much more profile and only use the 2010 warp in tighter conditions. Excuses over, and we'll fond to all who dialled in and went fast:) I normally end sessions with "was fun" but I won't on this occasion :)

Well overall that was a good session for me. I was quite tentative today. Last time I was up at WK, I wiped out at 38knots still hooked in and broke boom and harness line. Still remembering the strain it put through my back.

Happy to get through without injury, and I think I might have edged up my Max 2 Sec speed (39.2knots). Stayed safe with the Falcon 79 and 28cm fin. The course did feel a bit broad and bumpy at times. Next time the speed board has to come out to get over the 40knot mark.

Good to see a good turn out. Some photos on FB...

@Mark H - Don't worry, you can count on me to save you from being last :-)

A cheeky bonus session at West Kirby... second session on speed kit within a week! The forecast wasn't epic but it was worth a punt being the weekend. I figured there was little to lose by driving up for the day!

The course was quite broad and the wind started off on the light side (around 25-30 knots) but I rigged the 5.1m in anticipation of something stronger by the afternoon. It took a bit of tinkering with my settings and a slight increase in the wind but I eventually started getting some decent speeds by early afternoon and the new custom board felt great. I'm sure it can go faster for me given a little more wind.

I got (personal) spot bests for 10s, 250m and 5 x 10s. The session average was also a PB as it was slightly faster than last weekend's PB and my first 5 x 10s exceeding 41 knots... only just!

Great to see the speed guys who turned up, many of whom I haven't seen in almost a year. Also nice to see Daz back on the water after a 2.5 year absence.

Second August speed session in one week... not bad.

Difficult day to get any speeds, it was a good broad to very broad angle but just not the wind strength to stay powered up out the corner. I stayed with 5.4 all day hoping the wind would pick up but it did'nt.


My first visit to WK and I'm a happy chappy, some challenges and plenty of improvement to go but some PB's and some good advice recieved. Next time I'll go closer to the wall but for this first session it was definitely messing with my head as was getting onto such a small board :)

I wasn't really that keen on making the trip to West Kirby as the forecast was not really looking that great, but glad I made the effort to go there as it turned out not a bad session in the end. I started off getting really low speeds and was getting a bit worried, I would have been happy to get a 40 average at least, but everyone seemed to be struggling one way or another and once I got settled and the wind increased for a while I managed to get some decent runs in to further improve my spot PB and 10 sec average, so I'm happy with that.. Well done to everyone with there PB's!

Congratulations with your new PB Anthony !!!

You see... the training in the difficult conditions in the South of France is not that bad wink


Fun day at Kirby. My main aim was to get 40knots out of a plastic fin (Our soon to be launched plastic SUP fin), which proved pretty easy. Sailed with it all day in the end and managed a 42 knot peak and very nearly almost a 40knot 500m, not too far off the pace. Maybe a purpose designed asymmetric plastic fin could potentially be at the pointy end -actually seemed surprisingly solid in the chop and only really let down by the 11mm thickness and massive sweep for weed.

Sail didn't seem too bad on an 8yr old Simmer wave mast either!

Congrats to everyone for their results today, seems like it's getting tighter at the top! Could be some real good competition this autumn if we get some epic days.

Oh, and thanks to Juice for having a last minute weight jacket for me! (anyone find a liberty one kicking about from last time with £200 of lead in it?!).
Highly recommend the Mystic ones, really comfy, really good fit. Much better now not having the lead swinging round my arse.

Looks like the fantastic plastic smoked the 500 times cheeky

Steve - Just spotted your post. Can't figure out the direct messaging on the forum so perhaps you could send me an email to petercrook at 340r dot net. I think I found your weight jacket.

Ah good news! Thanks Peter, email about to be sent.