by Johan Vente
5/8/2024 12:45:00 PM | |
The strong breeze was a icr opportunity to test the isonic 55. I really like the board for this full power slalom conditions.
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by Jan Wim Becker
5/8/2024 3:55:00 PM | |
First session of the day testing the new 4.9 through the chop
trim was not good had not enough Downhall realised it too late
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by Jan Wim Becker
5/8/2024 4:00:02 PM | |
Nice afternoon session with a funrace in the end....
trim was not good had not enough Downhall realised it too late
fin was a 32cm finish V2
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by Dennis Klaaijsen
5/8/2024 4:25:01 PM | |
Properly powred up with 5.6 in the morning gusting over 40 knots followed by a pre Defi funrace at the ens of the day
My start was a bit messy so playing catch up for the 4 legs between Gruissan and mark number 1 (5 km away).
Half the normal distance 20 km race.
No official results, guessing top 30 overall and top 10 on the fin.
Looks like that was the last session here as the wind drops tonight.
Nice battle the last three days with Ingmar for the number 1 spot on GPS speedsurfing.
On to the next adventure.
The training for next year’s Defi starts tomorrow
Happy vibes
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by Eric Kamminga
5/8/2024 4:35:02 PM | |
Nice fun day, full power 5.9. Gust 40knots
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by Ivo Fellinger
5/8/2024 5:20:04 PM | |
Fun morning session, gusty at the plage du chalets
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by Ivo Fellinger
5/8/2024 5:20:04 PM | |
Defi fun race
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by Ivo Fellinger
5/8/2024 5:20:04 PM | |
Defi fun race
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by Robert Baas
5/8/2024 5:25:01 PM | |
Ochtend eerst nog de iSonic 90 geprobeerd (63 BRD) maar dat ging mij te heftig. Dus de Tribal Libero gepakt. Dat was tenminste onder controle te houden. In de middag ook nog een Defi trial wedstrijd gehad. Leuk om weer met zoveel surfers de zelfde richting op te gaan. En oha: koken zeewater, dat begrip is me ook weer duidelijk. Wat een geklots als je midden in de groep zit. Door al die rare golfslagen was het toch lastig om snelheid te maken. Lol gehad en enorm gezellig met alle bekende op het water.
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by Max Shytikov
5/8/2024 5:55:01 PM | |
WaW today was a really DefiWind conditions especially on the morning. It was a long 200+ session but it was very hard work. A proper Defi survival! What a day!
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by Peter Modéer
5/8/2024 6:05:02 PM | |
Bra Defi setup som hanterade all vind bekvämt idag.
Beroendeframkallande att bränna halvvind ihop med hundratals andra!
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by Dieter Dejonghe
5/8/2024 6:30:01 PM | |
Defi fun race
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by Dominik Kocholl
5/8/2024 7:35:00 PM | |
Evening session of the day.
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by Dylan de Jong
5/8/2024 8:20:01 PM | |
Session 2 with the Heida brothers, pushing slalom race... exhausted.
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by Peter Heida
5/8/2024 8:40:02 PM | |
Heerlijke avondslalomsessie
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by Michaël Engel
5/8/2024 9:50:01 PM | |
what an incredible day again. Such a joy to sail in between so many happy smiling faces.
It was a weird setup and basically overpowered the whole day again but the fun was to high to change something.. missing my 61 cm wide tho. those 9 cm more width really gives that more stability over all those hekgolfjes... But the longer fin made it work above my expectations
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by Dominik Kocholl
5/9/2024 9:20:00 AM | |
Evening session of the day.
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by Garry Connell
5/9/2024 12:20:01 PM | |
Defi wind full power morning ??
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by Merijn Kegel
5/9/2024 3:55:27 PM | |
Great DeFi conditions. Took too long to find the right tuning.
Should have taken a bigger fin.... still really great vibes on the water, especially with the fun race.
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by Jordy Vonk
5/10/2024 4:00:03 PM | |
Next time hopefully more runs to compete with Ingmar and Dennis ;)
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by Peter Kuiter
5/10/2024 7:10:01 PM | |
Toch nog een ingelaste Funrace over de halve afstand.
altijd lekker om een race te doen.
ging mooi!
Ook mooie opkomst van 500 man/vrouw
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by Ingmar Daldorf
5/14/2024 11:25:02 AM | |
Practical Defi race
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by Margriet Lachenal
5/14/2024 4:35:02 PM | |
Voor het eerst gevaren in Frankrijk. En zelfs voor het eerst op zee sinds mijn jeugd. Nog 1 dag tramontana mee kunnen pakken, maar het was heel druk en super vlagerig die dag op die plek. Langs het strand van het defi-terrein bij Gruissan. Achteraf beter bij La Palme kunnen varen, daar waren we niet alleen zag ik later. Maar hèy; i did it, en iedere dag op het water is een goede dag.
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by Martijn Mobach
6/2/2024 7:15:06 PM | |
oude sessie! van begin mei
gruissan - super dag
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by Max Shytikov
7/25/2024 7:45:09 PM | |
WaW today was a really DefiWind conditions especially on the morning. It was a long 200+ session but it was very hard work. A proper Defi survival! What a day!
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by Martijn Mobach
7/25/2024 11:15:36 PM | |
oude sessie! van begin mei
gruissan - super dag
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by Peter Modéer
7/29/2024 10:15:01 AM | |
Bra Defi setup som hanterade all vind bekvämt idag.
Beroendeframkallande att bränna halvvind ihop med hundratals andra!
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by Michaël Engel
7/29/2024 10:15:01 AM | |
what an incredible day again. Such a joy to sail in between so many happy smiling faces.
It was a weird setup and basically overpowered the whole day again but the fun was to high to change something.. missing my 61 cm wide tho. those 9 cm more width really gives that more stability over all those hekgolfjes... But the longer fin made it work above my expectations
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by Merijn Kegel
7/29/2024 10:15:01 AM | |
Great DeFi conditions. Took too long to find the right tuning.
Should have taken a bigger fin.... still really great vibes on the water, especially with the fun race.
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