Results of the day
1Hans Kreisel46.37
2Floris Wondergem44.8
3Dennis Klaaijsen43.62
4Danny Verhaar42.66
5Jeroen Steenaard42.22

Wauw... the first two runs were in the 80s, then the wind increased and I could no longer change that into good runs. What a force of nature. Respect for Dennis, Floris and Hans, who kept trying despite the hammering gusts.

Epic session at Ouddorp haven


Properly powered up, measuring gusts over 60 knots  at the shoreside.

Great session with Floris, Hans, Jeroen, Danny and Ingmar.

Chasing testosterone bombs Hans and Floris.

Thank you Ciarán.

Port tack worked out pretty well wind was super strong. Run was pretty good for this angle tried south before but normlly it's not this good. Felt so good having too much wind and not being able to win the battle with the wind.

Big thanks to my sponsors,

NEILPRYDE, JP-AUSTRALIA, Z-FINS, BAR DE STULP , Z8water, Houtlijn, Bouwmaat, Mark Baakman Interieurbouw And all the windsurfers that support me with buying the fastest fins in my webshop @ WWW.WINDSURFCANDY.COM

64 knots measured from the shore. It was nice to set some runs in between the hammer gusts. A long day on the water, entered the water arround 9.30, came back at the shore 6 hours later.... if there's wind you shouldn't waste it;)

Thanks Dennis for letting me use your Port tack fin!

nice speeds for a south wind session, very enjoyable day.

Windy afternoon behind the dams. Thank you Floris and Hans for the explanation about the shallows and how to speed surf.

First time speed surfing with plenty of wind.

Great session at ODH! Sometimes you wish for more wind, not today. Massive hammergusts. At the end of the afternoon the conditions became almost unsailable.

Good to see everybody leave the spot in one piece.

Great session at ODH! Sometimes you wish for more wind, not today. Massive hammergusts. At the end of the afternoon the conditions became almost unsailable.

Good to see everybody leave the spot in one piece.