1Floris Wondergem54,87
2Jeroen Steenaard54,25
3Dennis Klaaijsen53,82
4Tom Eliaerts53,02
5Tim Janssen41,99
6Patrick de Jongh27,81

1e X op de foil. Pr dag!

Proberen wat vlagen mee te pakken...

Back on the water after my bike crash in the beginning of July.

So nice to play out again. Bit carefull on the gybes and pumping to get going since the bones haven't fully healed yet.

Geat day with Floris and Jeroen on our biggest gear.

Good to see Dennis back on the water! 

Nice session with Dennis, Floris and Albert. Conditions at the start were a bit tame but later the wind picked up.

Good to see Dennis on the water again!

Nice session with Dennis, Floris and Albert. Conditions at the start were a bit tame but later the wind picked up.

Good to see Dennis on the water again!

Er kwam toch nog wat wind

En Dennis was er ook terug!

1e X op de foil. Pr dag!