1Craig Spottiswood70,11
2Derryn Arthur65,01
3Tony Ford53,36

Pushing the Formula onto 39 with a bit more wind today 24 fin went well upwind as well, improved the Centurians 5x10 as well and got the Alpha u[pto 24.

Lake George, SA

94l isonic, 5.8 koncept KA, stupid 16cm kestrel fin
rather windier than the fin could handle, shoulda changed to the 25weedweapon, dang, got all over the lake despite innumerable spinouts, two seshes, all over the bottom then back to cockies for water, then off to go along foamyberger spit  island runs, then back to bottom for a few more glassy runs there. Tired. Would not upload automatically from two readers- including KA72.