
Detail information event

Event nameBritishSpeedChallenge2022
Start DateFriday, October 1, 2021
End DateSaturday, October 1, 2022
Event sponsorBritishSpeedChallenge
CountryUnited Kingdom
Event scope/areacountry

Event description and NOR

BritishSpeedChallenge2022 'Dave White Trophy" will run from 1/10/21 for h next year.

Results are based on your fastest GPS speed over 250meters run using a FIN in U.K. waters only .

if your a UKWA member your fastest speed will be entered into the official British Speed challenge league at the end of our speed season for the next year ahead, where the Trophy will be awarded normally at Weymouth Speed Week presentations.


How ever anyone can upload there GPS speeds to our Speed Challenge to see how you compare at your local against friends or to see how you compare against others within the U.K.speed ladder. 
for UKWA membership

please like a follow our social media accounts Facebook/ Instagram "BritishSpeedChallenge" 

good luck all

Event update messages
