2021 Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge
by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center
Find English version below.
Una competición para todos los que navegan en Bahía de Formas.
En el próximo baño llévate un GPS y participa en nuestra “Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge” hasta el 15 de octubre estamos buscando el rider con los 250m más rápidos.
Las velocidades se pueden medir con los GPS oficiales y con relojes inteligentes de diferentes marcas como GARMIN & SUUNTO con GPS (más información AQUÍ)
En el camión del DUNKERBECK WINDSURF CENTER se puede alquiler material de Slalom (velas con cambers de 5,0 hasta 7,0m y tablas de velocidad de 54cm de ancho) para aumentar tu velocidad habitual. Te puedes tirar al largo y vivir la sensación de velocidad. ¡Pruébalo- Vale la pena!
Los 3 primeros en la categoría OPEN recibirán un trofeo.
Cualquier otra categoría que tiene mínimum 3 participantes vamos a premiar con bonitas sorpresas. Anímate y trae tu amigo también ??

The Canary Islands, with its constant Tradewinds and warm temperatures all the yearlong, are considerated as the European Hawaii.
Gran Canaria is the windiest of the Spanish achipel. In summer, the wind can blow with up to 40 knots (peaks in gusts also reaching 50 knots) in the eastern part of the island. Pozo Izquierdo is incredibly famous for its radical conditions in summer.
Only 1km upwind is the windsurf spot of ARINAGA (Bahia de Formas). A mole shields the waves and converts the bay in a great flat water speed spot with solid wind in a right angle.
That was also the spot where in summer 2003 the windsurf legends Dunkerbeck, Naish, Albeau & Brindal started the open ocean speed record attempt.
Slalom equipment can be hired in the Truck of the DUNKERBECK WINDSURF CENTER. With this pro- material (Cambersails from 5.0 up to 7.0m and speedboards 54cm whide) you will increase your usual speeds and go downwind to experience the sensation of speed.
Give it a try- It's worth it!
Speeds can be measured with official GPS and with smart watches from different brands such as GARMIN & SUUNTO with GPS (more information HERE)
The winner will be the sailor with the fastest 250m
The first 3 in the OPEN category will receive a trophy.
For any other category that has a minimum of 3 participants we will prepare nice surprises. Go ahead and bring your friend too ??
Notice of Race
Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center
Location: Gran Canaria
Date: The Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center will take place from the 15.006.2021 till 15.10.2021 23.59h CET
Registration is simple: first register as a user of www.gps-speedsurfing.com. (GP3S)
For the Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center a registration in the Event section is necessary.
By creating the account on gp3s, all participants agree to the terms and conditions of GP3S, including giving us the right to share and publish session- data for the rankings of the Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center and to receive information related to the event. Organisation reserves the right of participation.
The Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center will be based on current GPS-measuring standards and rules. Considering the average speed of 250m.
Only the spots in Gran Canaria are valid for the ranking.
Each session you want to publish needs to be uploaded to www.gps-speedsurfing.com
Sessions shall be uploaded at the same day or not later than 15.10.2021 (23.59h CET)
Any sessions uploaded after this deadline cannot be considered for the ranking.
All GPS tracks need to be available for verification by the event organization at all times.
The results will be shown on www.gps-speedsurfing.com , website: www.surfbd.com/ and Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center social media channels (Instagram, Facebook) including possible sharings.
GPS Equipment:
All GPS units approved by www.gps-speedsurfing.com (see actual device list here)
Every rider has responsibility for himself. He/she must have all insurances needed. The organizer will not take any responsibility for rescue operations nor racing accidents.
Event sponsors:
The Arinaga Summer Speed Challenge is sponsored by the Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center + BD Surf School & Shop
The event is organized by Dunkerbeck Windsurf Center
Contact: info@surfbd.com