wow! waht a day ...
First, a big BEDANKT to all the nl speeders, specialy Jan and Jurijen...thanks for all the infos about the spot.
realy hard way to come to spot! driving with the bike and beach caddy, then walking through the mud and then a long way to the speed spot throug the waddenzee.
it was easy to come to the spot.
really flat conditions :-)
sadly about that the wind never comes really strong...5.8 was a bit to small sometimes...but nice for crusing.
and the end the wind picks up a little bit... going deeper with a gust and suddenly my mast broke.
wow! what a terrible crush with a speed over 72kmh.
dirk had a perfect view on it :-)
so i had to swim back to land and had a hard walk to come back to starting position.
really nice to see all the other nl speeder ... nice to surf with one of fatest man of the world.
.after this day i must say ... speedsurfers a crazy people :-)