1Stephen Squirrell33,59

Thursday 25th July  – Windsurf **** The Manor at Felixstowe  –  cloudy.
Foil – 19.40  knot max , 18.14 knot ave, 14.49  knot hour (year PB), 16.97 knot mile, 53.41 km., 15.14 knot alpha. 

Starboard Freeride 150 and a Evolution Freeride foil with a Tushingham Storm 6.5 and Bolt 5.5.

The rain had moved away but the heavy cloud lasted all day but with a 20 knot breeze from the SW forecast I wanted to make the most of the 8.50 low water so headed down to Squiz Lane at The Manor early arriving at 8.45 after taking a few pics to send to the TV weather. The sea looked lovely and smooth so I quickly set up my foil board and took a chance with my 6.5 which to be honest was too big but I stuck with it for an hour, actually getting my fastest speed! I then headed ashore to change down as two fellow foilers Robert and Michael had just launched with what looked like small sails! I went for my Bolt 5.5 which was much better and I had some fun doing some long runs out to the Wadgate break which was working well but the sea was starting to chop up as the tide came in! I got a few nice gybes but did go in a few times too, then getting knackered after yesterdays good afternoon session I decided to have one last long broad 2.50 run downwind and beat back before calling it a day, after all I had just sailed 33 miles, got a year best hour and a good set of mile runs especially when the sea was smoother at low water and always nice to get a 18 knot average on the sea:) Top couple of day, July has been an OK month for windsurfing but not much coming now!

Walk - short Felixstowe prom.

After a couple of hours recovering from another full-on windsurf this morning Mag and I went for a short walk heading down to the pier where we spotted a stand up paddle boarder quite a long way offshore in the lumpy sea!. It was nice and mild and with a tail wind we soon made it to the Spa theatre before turning up into the gardens along the pram walk, through the town and home!