1Stephen Squirrell43,13

Thursday 8th June - Windsurf **** The Dip at Felixstowe – sunny and warm.


Fin – 24.67 knot max, 23.29 knot ave, 12.23 knot hour, 19.17 knot mile, 36.04 km., 11.50 knot alpha.


F2 282 Ride with Tushingham Thunderbird 6.5m and 36 fin.


The three weeks of constant NE wind comes to an end tomorrow I think and after yesterdays long foiling session in gusty marginal winds I was going to have today off but when Michael G said he was heading to The Dip I thought I would drive down and check out the conditions? I know I had missed the best conditions as low water was 8.44, tomorrow could be better and it was going to be wind with tide which should have made the sea a little smoother. Arriving at 10.30 it was way windier than yesterday with 20+ mph blowing so I again went for my 6.5 on the 115 lt. which proved right once again:) The sea was fairly smooth to start but soon chopped up but you had to concentrate on staying upwind as it is very easy to quickly loose ground down the coast which meant the options for going fast were limited, not helped by the lumpy sea. Still after you cleared the steep waves close to the beach you had a small section of smoother water to bear off before heading up and beating a mile out to sea, once again finding something decent to gybe on was hard, it was even very lumpy close to the shore today, especially as the tide got high but the long run back to the beach was great fun in the sun and in the end I had it all to myself, only much later was I joined by the American kitesurfer whose name escapes me! So an hour and a half in the sun and home in time to do my exercises in the sunny back garden before making Mag lunch and hopefully will do it all again tomorrow:)