1Dave White79,92
2Antony Todd79,13
3Peter Thompson74,41
4Scotty Stallman73,58
5Shaun Cook72,1
6Simon Chippington 60,8

Super cold and not so windy on the east course but nice to get out for a session..

So much promise. The wind was tearing at my roof tiles all night leaving me to wonder if it would even be sailable. Standing on the beach I had the same question, though this time because there was no wind. A quick cup of British tea seen put things right and we were back in the game.

Can't say it will rank in my top ten session but great to be back on a speed board, actually I had two with me. My trusty RRD 43 speed and the new AirWind 50. Yes an inflatable.

I'll confess to only using the inflatable while we waited for the conditions to improve, managed a 37.29 knot 250 which wasn't too bad and think it'll be possible to touch 40 when not tempted by my 43 speed.

So the speeds might not have been the best, just beeing on the water with like minded folk more than made up for results we lacked.

Thinking about it, I did set a personal achievement wit the best crash I've had in years, guess we all need some schooling now and again :)

Great session at Southend, Reflex 6 5.1, iSonicW44 and F-Hot Speed 20 fin. 

practicing sling shot today, still got to get closer to the sweetspot (the sand bar)