by Dominique Kwanten
14-4-2009 20:09:41 | |
eerste heat gruissan
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by Herman Maes
14-4-2009 22:16:19 | |
First day Gruissan speedweek
Heat 1: average 33 knots with gusts to 41 knots
-> Tried 1 run and had a nice crash, BUT I made some nice pics of the other guys
Heat 2: wind was going down, so waited for a good moment to do some runs and Yes my goal has been reached: I have a valid result for our belgian speedweek. ;-)
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by Principe Baldini
15-4-2009 00:37:35 | |
Great event the Speedweek!!!Congratulations to Patrick and Tania for everything!!! Great to see Patrick again in the water.....and fast!
Great to see maany friends to share the same big emotion( tha speed fever)!!!
Super nice sun with a very good tramontana!
I wanted to try well a new 5.4 Challenger Aero......sometimes underpowered but at least it was a great test: I used it with Carbon art 40, 44 and Falcon speed: Happy feeling!
Only two big gust, not enough for 2 good 500 with square my "possible" fastest run the 44 was lifting like the hell and the nose came out 1 meter from the water...slowing down from 39 to 30kts........Have to remember next time that with squareangle and good wind the the falcon 24 is much more safe than the 25:-)))))
It was a very nice day!
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by Miguel Agerkop
15-4-2009 22:55:28 | |
First day on Belgian Speedweek, two heats. Very challenging for lightweight riders (without weightvests) due to the squarish course. Still, some of them amazed me with good speeds, so it can be done. I found the experience to battle with the circumstances very teaching and although the results are not what they normally can be when I am able to bear off, I am still happy I joined the competition and not let the results spoil my day ;-)
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by Anton J. Geesink
16-4-2009 14:21:23 | |
Heat 1 & 2 of the BK Speed in Gruissan.
Again Patrick and his crew were able to make these 2 heats run smooth as silk.
Getting almost 70 adrenaline boosted speedsurfer run over the 500 m course without any problem deserves a deep bow.
Not only for the organisers but also for the speeders.
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by Hans Kreisel
16-4-2009 17:07:49 | |
BK speed leuke wedstrijd resultaten vielen mij een beetje tegen maar wel 6e overal als ik het goed heb . heb de wedstrijd gevaren met de missile s en een 5,7 en een 27 caspar de wind was heel erg half en had moeite om op koers te blijven vinkeuze was ook een beetje belabberd. vond het ook lastig om gelijk een wedstrijd te varen met nieuwe zeilen zonder er eerst wat mee test te hebben kunnen gevaren hopen dat ik in zweden alles op een rijtje heb dan komt het wel goed. superlekker weer hier tis nu 25graden en windstil das wel een beetje jammer
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by Jacques van der Hout
17-4-2009 15:01:35 | |
Sessie van de wedstrijd in Gruissan. Heel de dag bezig geweest met 500meter runs te maken. Als ik met de wind die we tijdens de heats hebben gehad bezig was geweest met GPS-speedsurfen dan was dit zeker een 40 knopen gemiddelde geworden.
Mijn snelste 500m van 70,22 begon en eindigde met een snelheid van 65km. Topspeed in het midden was 75km/h. Dit geeft al aan wat er mogelijk is (met een beetje constantere vlagen) halve wind op Gruissan.
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by Robert Kreisel
18-4-2009 11:58:15 | |
BK Speed Gruissan
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by Robby Lancel
19-4-2009 11:40:20 | |
Leuke dag voor BK speed, met een goed resultaat.
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by Raymond Wortel
19-4-2009 11:49:41 | |
Bit less wind than the day before, but really massive gusts down the 500m track...
Did some tuning and hoped for a better position in lighter winds.
The Belgium speedies did a nice job wind the BK Speed!
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by Bart Claesen
19-4-2009 12:13:08 | |
BK Gruissan
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by Alex van der Meer
19-4-2009 12:33:49 | |
BK Speedweek Gruissan heat 1
pretty shitty performance of mine, took the wrong gear for the strong wind
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by Alex van der Meer
19-4-2009 12:47:50 | |
BK Speedweek Gruissan heat 2
looks like my second good run has been after the course closed.... or not
had definatelly 3 500m runs over 60 as I feeled and only one shows in the results.
I went faster as the wind dropped a bit and had the larger combi
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by Alex van der Meer
19-4-2009 13:03:51 | |
some racing after heat 2
wind ran out on occasion
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by Roger van Tongeren
19-4-2009 17:00:37 | |
BK Speed 2009
Eerste manche was nog niet zo goed. Moet altijd erg inkomen dus was jammer dat
ik de zondag niet even gevaren had. De tweede manche ging het al beter.
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by Joerg Sonntag
20-4-2009 00:53:30 | |
This was the one and only day with the wind speed and direction needed of the Belgium Speed Week in Gruissan 2009.
We started that day to test our new SL_HE_S 28 - fin on old board designs under rough conditions in the first heat. The fin gave an excellent feedback of the sailing condition with wonderful control at a very low drag. But overall speed was not on a competitive level so that we changed the board (same sail and again the SL_HE_S 28 fin) by a F2 Missile before the second heat. Speed directly increased by 10% (38,9 knts/h) although the wind speed was decreasing. Again excellent control and in addition better upwind capabilities to come into the best position at the starting point of the speed strip. Unfortunately the wind decreased more in the second heat so that I had to stop quite early.
But overall an excellent events that was limited by only one day with the wind strength and direction needed but that was very good organized and executed by Patrik and his team. Also big compliments to the huge amount of competitors (more then 60 surfer) showing the discipline needed to act in one group on a 500m strip.
We all hope that in 2010 the wind might be better (or stay longer) and we have the same, well structured organization and friendly atmosphere. Maybe we can test the first time to conduct this event with GPS data only so that the effort for the team can be reduced and the costs for the event equipment can be reduced.
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by Koen Onderbeke
20-4-2009 12:57:49 | |
heat 1
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by Koen Onderbeke
20-4-2009 12:58:44 | |
heat 2
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by Marie-Paule Geldhof
20-4-2009 13:17:58 | |
heat 1
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by Marie-Paule Geldhof
20-4-2009 13:18:56 | |
heat 2
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by Gilberto Emelli
22-4-2009 23:24:17 | |
Eerste head van de bk speed. Zeer leuk evenement voor herhaling vatbaar.
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by Andre Lancel
30-4-2009 16:56:19 | |
zeer slecht gevaren. trim van zeil was slecht en nieuw board.
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by John Overmeer
28-5-2009 12:30:21 | |
Ma. 13 april; Eerste en enige wedstrijddag. 2 heats gevaren alweer met halve wind, dus voor mij ongunstig qua topspeed. De 1e heat enorm veel wind, gevaren met de 4,2 stealth.
Was vaak te groot. Zeer tevreden over hoe ik heb gevaren. Net als gisteren lukte alles nog zoals vroeger. Niet afstappen, veel gijpen ook verder op zee, en in stormvlagen. Veel km’s gemaakt. In de 2e heat viel naar een run of 5 de wind gedeeltelijk weg, waardoor eigenlijk omgetuigd moest worden naar een groter zeil. Daar had ik en vele anderen geen zin meer in, dus een beetje doorploeteren en wachten op vlagen die echter niet meer lang genoeg waren voor snelle 500 meter runs.
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