
a free test-version of GPSResults for Android cell-phones or tablets (at least version 2.3.3 is required) with micro-SD-card slot is available from here:

at the moment just the routines to select and read the data-files and compute the results for the different categories are ported (no graphics and results upload):


SBN- or SBP-files from a GT31 using a micro-SD-card adapter (cardsize <= 2GB) can be evaluted:


nice one....... ios?


Hi Darren, unfortunately the GPS-files on the micro-SD-card cannot be read with IOS without an 'illegal' jailbreak. IOS allows only jpg and other media files to be processed, so there is no way to get the data from the SD-card into the software...

Gonna give this a try very soon! I'm hoping this will work on my mobile phone with the bluetooth option of my BGT-31. I'll keep you posted.

Hi Manfred that is sort of true, however the governing body for telecommunication devices in the USA did clarify that jail breaking is not illegal as long as the software ported is not used for illegal use such as file sharing of copywrited items. However also if the program requires the use of external files then there is also a sd memory card reader readily available software just has to pass apple developer status for the app store Just an idea

Hi Oane, the Bluetooth option is only good for online transmission of the actual positions, it cannot be used to read the contents of the SD-card or the Datalogger. Thus a micro-SD-card in an adapter is the only way to transfer the GPS-data fomr the (B)GT31 to your cell-phone or tablet...



This is great news! I just tested the program on an Asus Transformer Prime, wich has got a SD-card reader built into the keyboard dock. Got the same results as on the desktop version!

Just perfect!


@Manfred: yeah, just found that out tonight. Bit of a bummer. So I'm gonna use the micro-SD adapter now to check the results if I don't have my laptop with me. Uploading is also possible then by uploading directly to this site.

Hi Manfred - I use a Garmin 310xt and I can get .fit flies uploaded to Garmin Connect then export as .gpx files, so can you change filter so I can upload .gpx into GPS results. I use .gpx on myPC version so freat if on Android version too. I cannot export into .sbn formats

I just got a multi-card reader for my Samsung Galaxy S3 from Amazon:

This version of GPSResults works a treat with the adapter. :)

I installed the app but unfortunately I cannot read .gpx files, can those files be added to be read ?

Would it be possible to use a Mini USB to MicroUSB for a garmin foretrex unit?