
  • Max. 2 sec.
  • 81,9kmh
Gemiddelde snelheid
78,98  ( 79,3 79,1 78,9 78,9 78,7 )
  • 100 m run
  • 80kmh
  • 250 m run
  • 79,3kmh
  • 500 m run
  • 79,3kmh
  • Nautische mijl
  • 0kmh
  • 1 uur
  • 0kmh
  • Afstand
  • 0km
  • Windsnelheid
  • 35 - 50knots

What a day! It was windy and choppy all day and we had two trips to the canal from Port St Louis doing both the world cup and MOS! Lots of driving in 50 knot+ wind. Caravans blown into ditches on the side of the road, and us getting blown off the water.

My fastest time in the morning session was 42.3kts on official 500m. Fastest time in the afternoon was 42.8 knots. Martin was very close on the official time, but thrashed me for GPS peaks. I seemed to top out around 43 knots. Not bad though for a 50cm slalom board that still holds a 7.6m sail in open seas.

I was massively overpowered on my 5.6m since the wind was over 50 knots in the gusts. I had one crash which prompted me to strangle my sail for survival. The other guys were on 5.0m or less.

Finian was really flying. His morning runs were around the 44 knot mark but his record run seemed to come from out of the blue. Impressive stuff.

Karen was flying! Really stoked for her too.

The chop on the course became intense in the morning when the wind swung too broad. It was really hard on the legs. It seemed to stay that way in the afternoon. On my fastest run, my back leg was literally numb from the chop at the end. 500m is a long way to go at that speed in sharp chop. It wasn't huge but the shape was just plain nasty. My GPS was not recording on my fastest run or on another official 42 knot run I did. Really bummed about that. I switched it on and off a few times and after about 15 minutes it came good again.

A great day for windsurfing with both men and womens outright records falling, and a few personal bests. Congratulations guys. It wasn't an easy day but surely a memorable one.

I had my GPS logging in distance mode, so at max speed was getting points every 1 second. The fastest 10 of these 1 second times were ALL exactly 44.8 knots. Seems like that was the limit! Strangely enough its exactly the same as at Sandy Point last year (same board and fin).

My fastest 500m on GPS (42.6) was 0.3 of a knot faster than the official time for that same run, but I remember hitting a big lull and slowing down just before the finish. The GPS tracklog confirms that I dipped to under 37 knots. I was doing over 40 into the start so that explains the difference.

Yan did a great job all day helping me out to get back up to the top of the course and with my equipment. Thanks mate.