1Antony Todd80,1
2Matthew York77,26
3Adam Gustafsson75,35
4Michael George74,33
5Mark Hayford70,27
6Darren Mathers69,31
7John Roberts68,63
Another nice day at west kirby. It was a bit more broader, choppy and not quite as windy as the last session but decided to take my 5.0 and wait for the gusts. Well done Matty on your PB Max speed!

Experiments with lead...Seems to have made a difference as several new pbs. Wind a bit up and down towards the end and very definitely out of practice when the wind was up at the start. (Ribs to prove)

Should have been out earlier but its been a long time since I´d been to WK and got the wrong tunnel and ended up bottom right when I should have been top left on the Wirral!

7hrs round trip but always worth it , great to catch up with the boys , turned out better than expected really , new pb max 2 sec , (stoked:)) not quite a pb 10sec but next time for sure 

nice to meet John from roe island and Adam from cornwall (bloody miles away ) well done on your pb john ,just keep adding the lead till you cant walk :)


Nice direction and not to choppy. Despite forgetting how to speed sail and going slower and slower the last two or three months, I actually enjoyed today (not enjoyed the last few speed sessions). Near the end of the session and a chat with Farrell, I now realise I need to work/concentrate on my starts, and learn how to be more efficient in gusty on off conditions. Then I can get my mojo back:) nice turn out, nice peaks from Ant & Matty, and Faz giving us all a schooling. I think Mike had some bad luck with kit damage, John git a new PB and I list my favourite fin, forgot to put the bolts in, school boy error. Was fun and not even cold!
In the words of Victor Meldrew... "I don't believe it!"
After being skunked three times in a row, I thought my run of bad luck must have passed. They say bad things come in threes but I never imagined another three might hit me in one day!
Today looked promising when we arrived at the lake and I had high hopes of a decent 500m or perhaps a PB for 5x10s.
I rigged the 5.1m Evo II and was first on the water but after one run, I realised the bottom batten was broken so I returned to the van, de-rigged the 5.1m and rigged the 5.5m.
The 5.5m felt better and I was getting faster with each run. The third run was a respectable 43.3 knot peak / 41.6 knot 10s and I thought it would be easy to get a few more (or better) during the morning. I noticed that my sail was crumpling up at the luff tube and it worsened during the next few runs as well as my speeds dropping. Three runs after the 43 knot run, I couldn't handle the sail... turned out it had been tearing itself in half near the top cam.
So... once back at the van, I de-rigged the 5.5m and rigged the trusty 5.8m Evo 5. The first three runs felt ok with the third being my fasest 500m of the day. After that run I started getting slower again and the sail was not feeling at all good. It took a few runs to realise the main batten (second from bottom) had broken in the middle!
Three broken sails in one day - 5.1m, 5.5m, 5.8 and I hadn't even crashed! It was too windy for my 6.4m and not windy enouh for the 4.7m so that was my day over. My results are pretty disappointing but a 40 knot average isn't so bad considering the circumstances.
Nice to see all of the boys again as well as meeting a couple of new faces.

West Kirby

My first day on a speed board for many years and really good fun overall, Wind strength was moderate and sailing was easy  but I found the gusty conditions hard work to generate ay speed running down the wall. Bearing off was ok but not much good for 10s! Well done to everyone for their speeds, plenty of enthusiasm there today given it was 6 degrees or so.

Spent a few hours out there as probably will be about 3 years before I can go again!! By that time my kit will be well and truly retro.

The amazing West Kirby mud on the side of the wall is totally impossible to walk on as I found out much to the delight of a couple of spectators.

What a great, if not eventful... lol

Did my usual and arrived the night before, slept well while getting buffeted around, took a few attepts to get up and going, still getting used to being on the water again after 3 years out.

6.2 SCR was spot on for the day, W54 was probably a little big, but a great board to regain my feeling on the water...

Day ended just as I was getting into the swing of things, with an almighty "Andrea Baldini" ( my name for brilliant crashes, after his crash at Luderitz this year ) and a nasty gash on my ankle, which can only have come from making contact with my fin, maybe, dunno happened so fast..

Big thanks to Stuart "nurse" Trunkfeild, for providing medical attention lol, can I say he looks kinda cute in a nurses outfit lol

Driving back to work was a nightmare, could hardly use my foot, so spent most of the way with 3 stops to rest driving with my left foot....

All in all a cracking time, back in the new year when healed....