1Simon Thompson66,64
2Simon Hinkley64,67
3Bryn Dampney63,88
4Johnny Walker62,57

Fun sail, struggled to get comfortable to start with but got it together a bit more as the session went on. Probably would have been better on a 6m but very up and down so just about right in the end.

First time on Strike 24 which was interesting!! Rock solid when moving and definitely slippery but lost the tail a few times starting. More lessons to learn!

Great to sail with Simon H, Jonny and Snake again. All were flying! Pleased my average was OK even if i wasn't getting the peaks my consistency is getting better and have more confidence to carry through to the next session so happy days!

Dunno how Simon makes his slalom board go so fast!!

Good day at St Johns with a new PB spot Average.

Rigged smaller than everyone else and it seemed a good choice in the strong gusts but I struggled getting back up the course.

Nice to see a good mid-week turnout.

Didn't  get off to a good start as I ran into an iron stake post lying in the mud at the top end of the course, which sent me stright over the handle bars. After a bit of emergency fin sanding with a piece of slate I was off again.

Not sure I would have gone any faster with an undamged fin as the wind was a bit too square for my fat arse.

Great fun with fellow speedies.

Bit silly sling shotting into the channel all the time, trying to hit 40 on my beloved AB+

Grats to all on their pbs.

For posterity my alpha will be set in stone for Vapor to see for all time :)