1Francois Desvaux58,23
2Christopher Tyack58,13
3Regis Lesieur55,97
4Christophe Gebert54,73
5Danny Geereedhary49,34
6Lio Rao43,27
7Marc Harel15,29
8Tristan Wiehe3,01

Ma boucle a casse apres 10 minutes..... Reparation de fortune et pas force....

board used 2020 isonic 72, sail 7m Severne mach 2, fin foilworx 35,5cm ... its been a very long time since i've uploaded anything here. Today was the first of the local (fun) speedsailing event in Mauritius. Checking my track using software gpsResults with doppler OFF it gives a max speed of 34.795 knots (but with doppler off it gives 29.624 knots). A bit strange as the challenge locally is taking riders speeds for various speed categories that some do not have doppler devices. Anyhow, le morne kite lagoon today was great windy and super sunny conditions for 6-7.8m sails sizes. one of the best enjoyable sessions there. So very nice to have these conditions. water was small chop so limiting a few more knots speed. (btw, i need to update my kit on here). perhaps i should have used the 107 litre 2014 isonic instead today, but didn't bring it, my error. loving the 2020 isonic 72 though and the severne mach sails. Wind south east, which is normal direction for here. (perhaps i should wear a weight vest, the heavier guys always seem to do a few knors more.