
Very happy to announce our cooperation with the Luderitz Speed Challenge team. Starting next monday this fastest event in the world will provide us with amazing speeds for sure. This year all runs are published also real-time at our special event-page (-> ) .

Every GPS-Speedsurfer member can also subscribe to the event live-ticker, when riders break a personal best of national/international record you will be notified by email. This feed is also connected to our twitter account ( )

Good luck and good winds to all competitors Luderitz Speed Challenge, go go go and break the records #fasterandfaster !!!!

Am I the only one receiving multiple duplicates each time GPS-Speedsurfing sends a PB update? It seems each message is sent at least 5 to 10 times, from @Dylan, I have mailed you multiple times to try fix this or remove me from the mailing list. Thanks for ignoring me. Jan-Hendrik, you also do not respond.



Hi Jaco,

No way to intend ingnoring you, but we did not receive any emails from you, could be the old blacklist / spam issues that seems to occur with your email account as always... please use the unsubcribe button if you not want to use this free service, it still a bit tricky to get the right updates from Luderitz because there are lot of timings issues synchronizing the results over the cloud, so if its not working for you, please unsubscribe 

I mailed you from two accounts, including my Gmail, and from different IPs while travelling exactly because of this reason of previously undelivered emails. Even sent you a message via Facebook Messenger. There is just no way you could not have seen any of them.

And by the way, if there was an unsubscribe button, I would have used it. The messages did not display any, and I checked the raw code - nothing:

>>Have fun, follow the event live via: Follow Live<> or go to the Luderits speedchallenge website to find out more: Luderitz speed challenge 2022<>

Greetings the Luderitz Speed and GPS-Speedsurfing team<<



Just send you a FB message and email, lets see if this works now...