1Rene Mienis62,04
2Tristan Tjerks61,32

In het begin was het niet veel en was de wind oost, maar al snel draaide de wind naar noordoost en ging het los. Kon eigenlijk niet stoppen, maar Tristan bleef ook maar gaan. Uiteindelijk toch het hazepad maar gekozen wegens vermoeidheid en hongerklop.

First time on new freerace board, Nuvolari 106. Really comfy on the chop, and quite fast downwind touching the back of chop. Not as flighty as the Modena I tried before, and no tailwalks whatsoever. 

ZFins SLM35 suited best in the chop. Fastest run was over big chop from the like to the flatter water. Fastest 2sec was with Sonntag SLpro 33.5 F4.3. 

First time on new freerace board, Nuvolari 106. Really comfy on the chop, and quite fast downwind touching the back of chop. Not as flighty as the Modena I tried before, and no tailwalks whatsoever. 

ZFins SLM35 suited best in the chop. Fastest run was over big chop from the like to the flatter water. Fastest 2sec was with Sonntag SLpro 33.5 F4.3.