1Anders Bjorkqvist69,14
2Johan Huitema68,65
3Tomislav Jaklin59,3

Sessie 41: "The early bird catches the worm" helaas niet altijd zo..Zo hebben wij dan eerst ff gedobberd maar om 9.00 ging de windkraan dan toch aan. Nu standby voor sessie 2 op een dag, wat gaat Aeolus ons vanavond brengen? Karpathos rules...! :-)

This was supposed to be the Big MONDAY, according the the dutch-team on site.. Arrived 8.00 met both Johan and Eric Swimming after an early morning start. Went out at 8.30 and slowly the wind picked up. But at about 11.00 the strip where too crowded, so I went on an early lunch with Sokrates at Barbaminas. BAck at 12.30 and the wind was up and the water was empty. 
I hurried out, but just when I was about to launch 10 guys in white lycra suddenly raced out with 120 l boards and 3.2 m2 sails. The italian school had it second lesson on water learning to jibe or something like that. And their classroom was aka the speedrun.

So with 10 guys drifing around and wind guts of 45 knots it was too dangerous to speed. I waitet until 14.30 when they went up. But then the wind went weaeker, out with JP 55 and 6.3 and the wind also swung to straight norh, then Johan and Erik went out again...

But 67 km on sunny karapthos and some top runs on the clock over 40 knots. Hard to complain. And the food is soooo good!




Sessie 41: "The early bird catches the worm" helaas niet altijd zo..Zo hebben wij dan eerst ff gedobberd maar om 9.00 ging de windkraan dan toch aan. Nu standby voor sessie 2 op een dag, wat gaat Aeolus ons vanavond brengen? Karpathos rules...! :-)