1Hans Kreisel85,74
2Wouter Liedenbaum57,48

Went to the brace with Hans. As it was not that windy when we rigged our sails I took the 5.6. After a few runs the hammering gusts kicked in of 50 knots so decided to quite as I am not able to handle the 5.6 in those conditions. Never experienced such a strong and stable wind in the Netherlands before. Happy to have my seccond 80 run ever. Small improvement on the 2 seconds and 10 seconds. Next time let's focus on getting 5 runs:)

Today was a big gamble but it paid off to bad the water didn't drop more and the angle didn't stick otherwise it would have been close to perfect. Wasn't feeling fit after a bit stressed out day. But Happy with the results always nice to see 50knots pop-up. The walk back was horror because the wind picked up can't wait to start the clean-up of my gear everything is covered in mud. Happy days!!!!