1Edwin Harteveld71,7
2Marco Bakker69,33
3Anne Evert van der Veen67,39
4Edgar Hoendervangers67,17
5Adam Goralszky65,92
6Laurent Fesquet65,91
7Eric Bellenger63,41
8Rozzoni Cristiano54,78

Second day at Franqui!

Started early with Marco and Anne Evert, wind was the same strenght like day 1, but a less more gusty (still gusty) and little inrollng chop, higher water, but still a lot of sandbankes, but no freestylers at all!

This was certainly the best day off fun, it was a low wind session with 6.2, so picked up my big speed board (60 cm) and was nice making long  runs and nautical runs, for some reason the nauticals are not in my gps..doesnt matter, still having fun!


Till next time, and hopefully more wind!


Weer gevaren met Ed en Anne Evert en Edgar. Weer niet de voorspelde wind helaas. Wel lekker gevaren. Op tijd terug gegaan naar de Camping. Gelukkig een stuk minder freestylers en kiters. :-)